So aapka premium laptop kabhi aapko best gaming experience nahi dega due to some issues. Par iska matlab ye nahi ki aap high end games kabhi khel nahi sakte. So jyada pressure lene see acha hai ki usko optimize karo jisse ki woo better perform kare. Aaj hume aise kuch tips and tricks dhekenge for better gaming performance on laptop for smooth working.

Laptop Ko Clean Aur Dust-Free Rakho:

So first thing first, agar aapka better performance chahiye then aapko aapka laptop dust free aur clean rakna hoga. Excessive game se laptop heatup hojata hai whihc is sometimes not good. Isse airflow reduce hota hai agar dust nahi clean kia jaye toh. So agar laptop heat up hoo jaye toh gaming performance mein bhi dhikkat ati hai. Every component will slow down.
Update Laptop Drivers For Better Gaming Performance:
Laptops aur PC’s sab Windows, macOS aur Linux operating system pe chalate hai with the same hardware. Agar better gaming performance chahiye then your laptop drivers need to be upto mark and updated always. Always go for Nvidia GeForce or AMD Gaming Drivers for best performance in Laptops.
Activate Windows 10 Game Mode:
So ye ek simple tip for every Windows user. Windows 10 mein Game Mode feature available hai jisee ki laptop optimize way mein work karega. Just press WIN+G and select Yes to avtivate the Game Mode for better performance.
Close Background Apps For Better FPS:
So ye ek basic tip hai for every gamer . Always close all the background apps whenever you start with a game. Better FPS tabhi ayega jab proper laptop optimization hoga. Isee games lag free aur better performance ke saath chalenge.
Better Gaming Performance Needs Better Network Speed:
Gaming performance bass drivers par dependent nahi rehta. The most important jo har gamer ko yaad rakna chahiye woo hai uska internet speed. Lag ek basic reason rehta hai due to internet speed. So due to this aap laptop ko blame karte ho for not performing well. Keep windows updated and drivers jisee ki better performance mile and keep check on your internet speed alwayts before playing.
So ye the kuch basic tips and tricks for better gaming performance on your laptops. Keep it well optimized and keep tracks of all these tricks for smooth fuctioning.