Vietnam is ‘Land Of Ascending Dragons‘. Yaha ka food simple as well as distinct hota hai. In past few years Vietnamese cuisine bahut popular ho gaya hai around the globe.
Vietnamese cuisine include many items such as rice, noodles, fresh vegetables and herbs. Ye sabhi food items Vietnamese food ko healthiest cuisine in the world banata hai. Vietnamese food around the globe famous hai because of ‘Pho‘. Pho global noodle soup hai. Vietnamese people love noodles. Vietnam ke log noodle almost everyday and in every meal prefer karte hai.
What Makes Vietnamese Food So Great?
Vietnam, product hai history and influence ka that shines through the rich flavourful broths. Vietnamese street food fancy as well as inexpensive hota hai. Yaha ka cooking style France, Europe and China se influence hua hai.
In northern part of country, log soya sauce bahut zada use karte hai. In cooking yaha ke log European ingredients such as sauces, meat and baguettes use karte hai.
Vietnamese cuisine include many common ingredients such as black pepper, hot chillies, coconut milk and lime. Cooking method vary karta hai from simmering to frying. Also, country ke kuch parts me exotic meats ki bahut demand hai such as dog, turtle and snake.
Vietnamese cuisines has lot to offer to first times or otherwise visitors. It is enriched with exotic flavours. Aap tempted feel karoge towards the mouthwatering cuisine. Food travelers inn meals ko adore karege for food as well as experience. And not to mention the cheap price.
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What To Order?
Vietnam me khana kisi challenge se kam nahi hai because you have lots of food options. It is too difficult to decide ki kya khaya jaaye aur kya nahi. There are so many food items jo aap try kar sakte hai. Here’s is a list few of them:
Pho, Vietnam ka national dish hai. Also, ye country ka staple food hai. Pho noodle soup hai jisse kabhi bhi khaya jaa sakta hai. Particularly isse breakfast me khaya jata hai.

The basic bowl of Pho consist of light beef or chicken flavoured with ginger and coriander. Also, isme rice noodles, spring onions and slice of chicken, pork or beef add karte hai. Pho healthy as well as tasty hota hai.
Goi Cuon
Goi Cuon translucent spring roll hai. Inki stuffing greens, coriander and various combinations of minced pork or shrimp se ki jaati hai. Goi Cuon ke southern variation me barbecued strips of pork use karte hai. Further inn pork strips ko green banana and star fruit ke saath wrap karte hai. Also it ia best served with rich peanut sauce. Goi Cuon ki har bite flavourful hoti hai.
Banh Mi
Banh Mi, Vietnamese style sandwich hai. Sandwich thin and crispy hota hai. Also iska texture soft and airy hota hai. Bread ko two parts me split kar diya jata hai. Iski filling various savoury ingredients such as chicken, pork, veggies and sauces ki jaati hai. Banh Mi itna yum hota hai ki entire world me iski different version available hai.
Banh Xeo
Ye Vietnamese pancakes bahut cheap and healthy hota hai. Banh Xeo me different ingredients use hota hai such as shrimps, pork, bean sprouts and egg.
Firstly veggies ko stuff kiya jata hai. Then isse fry kar ke rice paper me wrap karte hai. Also, Banh Xeo ko fish sauce (Nuoc Cham) ke saath serve karte karte hai. Ye aapke taste bud ko different flavours ka punch deta hai. Also, ye affordable and easy to prepare dish hai.
Bun Cha
Bun Cha, Hanoi ki speciality hai. Hanoi ke streets me ye mouthwatering dish easily mil jayega. Barbecued pork ko street me kahi bhi smell kar sakte hai.
Hanoi me pork ko open charcoal brazier me barbecued kiya jata hai. Bun Cha basically barbecued pork hai. Isse bed of cold ice noodles with broth ke saath serve kiya jata hai.
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Eating In Vietnamese Style
Asian countries ke logo ka khana khane ka khud ka style hai. Most of the Asian countries eat in a family style, sharing dishes.
Family ke har member ko bowl of rice diya jata hai. Main food such as meat or vegetable table ke center me hota hai. Each member picks from the centre using chopsticks.
Noodles and vegetables Vietnamese household ka standard diet hota hai. A typical Vietnamese meal consist of rice, meat, vegetables, soup and fish sauce.
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Drinking In Vietnam
Green tea most common drink hai. Green tea guest ko offer kiya jata hai as courtesy. Saigon Export and Saigon Lager, Vietnam ka local beer hai. Also, imported beers are available. But imported beer bahut costly hota hai almost double the price.
Vietnam me several variety of rice wine produce hota hai such as Ruou. Ruou me health giving element present hai. However, bottle of Ruou contain pickled snake. There are variety of locally distilled spirits jisme reptilian element include nahi hota hai. Also fruit wine such as apricot, orange or lemon are common.
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If you get a chance to visit this beautiful country, inn dishes ko zaroor try kare. Hence book your tickets now!!!!
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